Pirbadet – situated in the transition between sea and shore – is Norway’s biggest waterpark and is placed on the waterfront with the city’s best view!

Pirbadet is co-located with a fitness centre, and we have about half a million guests per year.

Opening hours

Ordinary opening hours 2025:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

Tuesday and Thursday: 12.00-21.00

Saturday and Sunday: 09.00-19.00

Opening hours cafe:

Monday - Wednesday - Friday: 11.00-19.30

Tuesday and Thursday: 13.00-19.30

Saturday and Sunday: 11.00-18.00

(NB! The hot food closes 30 minutes before the cafe closes)

🐥 Opening hours Easter 2025 🐥:

Palm weekend (Saturday/Sunday ): 09.00-19.00

Monday 14.04: 06.30-21.00

Tuesday 15.04: 10.00-21.00

Wednesday 16.04: 06.30-19.00

Fom Maundy Thursday tom Easter Monday: 09.00-19.00

🐥 Cafe 🐥:

Palm weekend (Saturday/Sunday): 11.00-18.00
Monday 14 og Tuesday 15.04: 11.00-19.30

Fom Wednesday 16.04 tom Easter Monday: 11.00-18.00

(NB! The hot food closes 30 minutes before the cafe closes)


Children under 10 must accompany with a bathing adult over the age of 16 in the swimmingpools.

One can only stay in the swimmingpool area by solving the ticket and wearing swimwear or shorts and t-shirt.

Family discount: At a minimum of 1 adult and 1 child / youth / baby is given NOK 15, – in discount

Morning swimming: Monday, Wednesday and Friday entrance before 08.00, reduced price on purchase of punch card, monthly card and year card. There is no diving tower, wave pool and slides in the morning swimming.

Last hour: enterance 1 hour and 15 minutes befor we close every day.

Annual and monthly cards are personal. Abuse entails confiscation of cards without a refund.

When purchasing a student / senior / pensioner ticket, a valid student ID and ID must be brought along.


Just in for a peek?


No bathing?

You do not have to buy a ticket or change to swimwear to visit Pirbadet. You may follow what happens from the dry side of the café or from the grandstand. From both places, you will have a great view of the Trondheim fiord, Munkholmen and the busy pool life.

Just eat?

If you don’t want to bathe, you are welcome to the dry café. Here, you can watch those who bathe, and enjoy the same selection of food an drink. Here, the temperatures are normal, so swimwear is not recommended.

Information about Pirbadet



Opening date: 15 June 2001
Architect: Per Knudsen Arkitektkontor AS, i co-operation with Asplan Viak Sør AS
Building costs: NOK 272.5 million

Two new pools were officially opened on 28 February 2018. Building costs: NOK 80 million.

Total area : 15,000 m², of which 10,000 m² belong to water related activities and of which 2,529 m² water surface.

Annual number of visitors: The country’s best visited bathing facility with about 400,000 annual visitors. Pirbadet is co-located with Impulse Treningssenter AS and Pirbadet Fysioterapi. Total annual number of visitors to water, work-out and health about 500.000

Water: app. 5 million litres of water, of which all of the water is cleaned 12 times a day through a filter consisting of 130 tons of special sand. The sports pool contains 33% salt water, and all the water is UV-treated.

Air treatment: 370,000 kg air per hour.

Number of lockers: 1605 pcs

Ceramic tiles: about 300,000 in the bathing facility

Number of showers: 115

Number of toilets: 37

Window pane area: 5,000 m²

Doors with fittings: 150

Our values

Safety: through knowledge, communication and attention, we ensure the safety of guests and colleagues.

Well-being: we create well-being when we meet guests and colleagues with friendliness, good attitudes and a smile.

Joy: joy is the feeling we create together, with a positive atmosphere, good cooperation and by taking care of each other.


Lost property/forgotten items

Forgotten clothing/equipment will be kept for 2 weeks. Other lost property will be place in the reception. Once a month, lost property will be handed over to the police.

If you have forgotten anything, please stop by in the opening hours to see if you find what you are looking for. We never confirm via telephone or e-mail that anything is found, as we have immense quantities of lost property and there is a great risk to make an incorrect confirmation.


Camera surveillance

In order to safeguard our guests’ safety, Pirbadet is under continuous surveillance by 6 360 degrees cameras, that are normally set to wide angle. The camera lenses have a good zooming feature that is employed when required. In addition, there are 2 underwater cameras in the deep end of the sports pool, and one in the outdoor jacuzzi.

Disability - Accessibility

All of our attractions are located on the ground floor, except for the cafe and 1 pool, wich are on the 2nd floor. We have lift that can be used. Pirbadet has chosen to purchase some equipment that can be of help for those with disabilities: personal lifts, wheelchairs and changing-beds (with wheels) that can be used in the water, ramps in most pools, pool lifts in 2 pools, Flex-wardrobes (see under “Bathing adventures”).


Under Pirbadet there is a parking house that belongs to Trondheim Parkering. You can learn more how to pay the parking on their website.

You can park at Rema 1000. NB! Remember to park in a marked space and get a ticket in the parking meter or by means of Apcoa’s app.

NB! Do not park just outside Pirbadet as you risk being fined for parking on a no parking area! Only parking for those with spacial permission (see sign).



It is nice (and environmentally friendly) to use your bike to Pirbadet, and here we have cycle stands just outside the door. In the summer of 2018 we got 35 city bikes placed in our immediate vicinity



Here you can see Atb`s travelplanner: www.atb.no/en/travelplanner



Why isn’t it allowed to use normal clothing inside the bathing facility?

There are many reasons for this:

Hygienic reasons: everyone who wants to bathe must shower first, so that all guests have a clean and hygienic bathing experience.

The comfort of other guests: it does not feel comfortable for those who bathe that some have their clothes on and watch them.

Safety: all under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a bathing adult to keep the child under surveillance, play with it and follow up in case anything happens.

The comfort of individuals: inside the bathing facility, the temperature is 29.5 degrees C and the relative humidity is 60%. If you use normal clothes in the bathing facility, you will soon begin to sweat and if you go out into the cold, you will easily catch a cold/become sick.

What do I do when I want to bring my baby to Pirbadet?

Babies love to be here, but it is important that you as parents plan well. A visit will often last for 3 hours, so you must remember to bring food and drink on a plastic bottle (may be heated in the café), towels, nappies and more. It is allowed to bring your pram into the bathing facility, and we recommend you to do that provided you use bags to cover the wheels. Babies should weigh at least 4 kilos before they begin to bathe, and should not stay in the water for more than 30 minutes at a time.

Swimming lessons for children, youngsters and adults – do you offer such lessons?

Trondheim Svømme- og livredningsklubb organizes swimming lessons and diving courses for both adults and children. Read more here.

Why do I have to bathe together with my child – don’t you have life guards/bath attendants?

You must bathe together with you child until it is 10 years of age and swims on its own. This is just for the child’s safety. We do not have life guards, but bath attendants – that means that all bathe at their own risk! We don’t have the opportunity to watch all, all of the time (in that case, we would have had to have one bath attendant per guest), but we have full focus on safety and service, and work preventively. That means that if we see a child that is alone in the bathing facility, you as a parent will be made aware that you must be attentive all the times. If, however, anything should occur, we will assist in all manners.

Why is the age limit between children and youngsters set at 10 years of age?

The age limit for bathing without being accompanied by an adult is 10 years, because of safety. In order to make it easier for our guests, we have also made a division of the rate at 10 years.

Do you sell swimwear?

Yes! We have a bathing shop that sells swimwear in all sizes, goggles, bathing equipment and more.

Can I bring my own air mattress in Pirbadet?

Yes, please do.

Do you sell bathing nappies?

Yes, we do! And if you buy access for your baby, you will have a bathing nappy into the bargain.

Do you have a café?

Yes, we do. It is situated on the first floor and you may use the café both from the inside of the bathing facility (wearing swimwear and having a ticket) or you can sit in the dry part (carrying normal clothing and you do not have to buy a ticket).

Don’t you have healthier alternatives at Jafs?

Yes, we definitely do. For example, there is a salad bar where you can pick and mix your salad to you taste. We have also other healthy alternatives – read more here.

Why is it so expensive to use the bathing facility?

In our opinion, it is not particularly expensive to use the bathing facility. Remember, when you buy a ticket, you can bathe as long as you want to (inside of our openings hours). In addition, we have several discount schemes that makes it more reasonable. For example, it is more reasonable to bathe on all weekdays than during the weekends, festive holidays and holidays. We offer tickets with family discount for a minimum of 1 adult and 1 child/youngster/baby: NOK 15 discount per ticket. To buy various cards, such as annual ticket, ticket cards paid in advance etc. will always be sensible as you get very good prices – and remember: ticket cards bought in advance are not personal.

Am I allowed to bring my own food into the bathing facility?

Yes, definitely. You may sit by one of our tables on the ground floor and enjoy your own food. We appreciate that you clear up afterwards and that you do not leave your things, so that there will be room for the next person.

How long does Pirbadet keep lost property?

We take care of most of what is found, and keep it for 2 weeks. Things that are not taken care of are for example, shampoo, hair conditioner and soap. Valuables such as watches, jewelry and similar are left to the police at regular intervals. Pirbadet assumes no liability for valuables that is left behind.

I have forgotten some items at Pirbadet, what do I do now?

People forget a lot of things every day and therefore, we are not able to confirm what has been found. You will have to come by during our opening hours se look through what has been left in the hope to find what is yours. Everything we find, or that is handed in is kept in a locked room, so that your found belongings are safe! Do not wait too long to check because we keep lost property max 2 weeks.

Where may I park?

You may park at marked parking spaces with Trondheim Parkering – for example by Rema 1000. Remember to get a ticket either in the vending machine or via their app. You may also park in Trondheim Parkering’s parking house under Pirbadet and remember to get a ticket. You may, however, not park just outside of Pirbadet. In that case you risk to be fined as it is not allowed to park there!

Why do you use so much chlorine?

There is not much chlorine in the pools, but some may react more strongly than others, especially with red eyes. It is not always the chlorine that makes your eyes sore, it may also be caused by small variations of the ph value. We always keep within the ph limits that are allowed and the same goes for the chlorine values. In the sports pool, there is actually 1/3 seawater and therefore not the same chlorine content as in a clean freshwater pool. The hotter the pool is, the more disinfection agents (chlorine) has to be used in the pools.

Why do you use chlorine in the pools?

The pool water must be disinfected by means of disinfection agents, in this case chlorine, which is the agent that is most commonly used. The chlorine, will have a long-lasting disinfectant effect both at the inlet and the outlet of the pool. There are sensors that continuously monitor the water’s requirement for disinfection agents. The more that shower/wash well before they jump into the pools, the less the requirement for chlorine.

How often do you test the water?

We have continuous monitoring of the water values. In case of deviation from these, an alarm is triggered in the technical room. In addition, manual water samples are collected from all three systems three times per day. Once per month, the water is analysed by Næringsmiddelkontrollen (the food control agency).



Buy one of our famous bathing ducks!


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