Be smart, save money!

If you buy tickets in our app or on the website, the prices are lower than buying in our reception.

Be smart, save money! Download our app. Cheaper prices online/app on all price categories. The prices you find below are for purchases made in our reception.

Single ticket purchased in the app or website is valid one year from date of purchase. The tickets are valid until you scan in - they can be used on any date you want.

NB! You are responsible for buying the correct ticket category, and when checking at the entrance, you must be able to present valid proof of whether you have bought a discounted ticket as a student, senior, Impulse-member, etc. In case of misuse, you may risk denied entry without refund.

Download the app in Google Play or App Store!

Who Single ticket
Adult (from 16 years) 210
Senior 190
*Student, tom 34 years/youth 185
Children (3-9 years) 135
Morningbath -
*Morning senior/student/youth -
Baby (0-2 years) 70
Last hour 130
Who Årskort (annual)
Adult (from 16 years) 7250
Senior 5250
*Student, tom 34 years/youth 5150
Children (3-9 years) 3600
Morningbath 5150
*Morning senior/student/youth 4200
Baby (0-2 years) 2100
Last hour -

Who Månedsabonnement (monthly)
Adult (from 16 years) 650
Senior 490
*Student, tom 34 years/youth 485
Children (3-9 years) 330
Morningbath 475
*Morning senior/student/youth 395
Baby (0-2 years) 200
Last hour -

Who 10 klipp
Adult (from 16 years) 1800
Senior 1650
*Student, tom 34 years/youth 1600
Children (3-9 years) 1100
Morningbath 1500
*Morning senior/student/youth 1300
Baby (0-2 years) 550
Last hour 1145

Who 25 klipp
Adult (from 16 years) 4200
Senior 3825
*Student, tom 34 years/youth 3700
Children (3-9 years) 2625
Morningbath 3500
*Morning senior/student/youth 3000
Baby (0-2 years) -
Last hour -

  • Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult bathing visitor over the age of 16.

  • You are only allowed to stay in the bathing area with swim suit or shorts/t-shirt.

  • Family discount: At a minimum of 1 adult and 1 child / youth / baby is given NOK 15, – in discount per. person. No family discount is given to a pensioner, student or senior citizen.

  • Morning bath: Monday, Wednesday and Friday entrance before 08.00, reduced price on purchase of journey tickets, monthly- and yearly tickets. There is no diving tower, wave pool or slides in the morning bathing.

  • Last hour: entrance 1 hour and 15 minutes before we close every day.

  • Monthly agreement: this is renewed automatically – that is, it runs until you stop it yourself! The monthly agreement is valid from the date of purchase and one month in advance. You can cancel your supscription at any time, but the amount paid will not be refunded. When the subscription is canceled, the ticket will still be valid for the period.

  • Annual and monthly tickets are personal. Abuse entails the forfeiture of tickets without a refund. Annual cards are not refundable unless medical certificate is provided.

  • When purchasing a student / senior / pensioner ticket, a valid student ID or ID must be brought along. Pensioner from the age of 67

  • Remember wristband for the cabinets (you can buy this at the reception).

Group discount (presupposes joint payment for the whole group):

  • From 20 pcs. to 49 pcs: 12% discount

  • From 50 pcs. to 199 pcs: 18% discount

  • Over 200 pcs: 25% discount

There is no discount on already discounted tickets.

For orders send e-mail to: